Winter 2021

Dear Colleagues and friends,

I hope this newsletter finds you safe and weathering the storm that is covid-19. 2020 was an unprecedented year, upending so many normalcies, delaying in person meetings, changing clinical care and the very fabric of our day to day lives. Thankfully we are resilient and have turned to virtual platforms for sharing our clinical cases, our research, and connecting. Nothing compares with chats over a long lunch though, and we are all waiting for the opportunity to gather again in person safely in 2022.

For this year, we will gather virtually for an online case gallery on June 18, 2021. When we meet, we will do so to honor and remember our President, Miss Victoria Lendrum Cohen, who made remarkable contributions to the field of ocular oncology and led our society with warmth and grace. The society has established a fund to honor her legacy; contributions can be made online at

In her memory, we will continue to gather and lead the society with the vision, energy and passion that Victoria demonstrated her whole life. One of her singular aims for the society was a biannual newsletter and we will absolutely see to it that we achieve that goal. There are several important updates in this newsletter including a call for society dues.

Wishing you all safety & health-

Jesse Berry

Honorary Secretary, ISOO

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In Memoriam: Victoria Lendrum Cohen