Named Travel Grants

In 2023 the ISOO Board polled its members for nominations for named travel grants to honor contributions to our field. The following 4 named travel grants were nominated and established by the Board in 2024. 

The ISOO committee will meet before each ISOO Congress to award travel grants in a merit-based system based on abstract scores, focusing on members in training and early career ocular oncologists. Grants will be awarded globally, emphasizing those practicing in low and middle-income countries. The goal is to support as many members as possible to attend the Congress.

A. Linn Murphree ISOO Travel grant

A. Linn Murphree, MD (1945-2022) was Director of ocular oncology at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and recognized by many for his dedication to caring for children with Retinoblastoma. He believed deeply in team science and collaborations to move the field of rare diseases forward. The A. Linn Murphree ISOO Travel grant is named in his memory and to honor an awardee for their dedication to fostering collaboration within the ocular oncology community.

J. Hungerford ISOO Travel grant 

John Hungerford FRCS FRCOph (1944-2021) was Director of Ocular Oncology at Moorfields Eye & St Bartholomew’s Hospitals, London UK. A founding member and Vice President of ISOO he is credited with fostering the transition of retinoblastoma care from external beam radiation to primary chemotherapy. He trained countless international fellows & established the ISOO Stallard Lecture/Medal. The John Hungerford ISOO Travel Grant is named in his memory and to honor an awardee for their dedication to innovation, diligence & collaboration within the ocular oncology community.

Robert M. Ellsworth MD  Travel Grant

Robert M. Ellsworth MD  (1928-1994) practiced ophthalmic oncology in New York City where he trained with Algernon B. Reese MD; each of them ran the largest retinoblastoma clinic in the world during their many years of practice. Together they created the Reese-Ellsworth classification system for retinoblastoma. The Robert Ellsworth ISOO Travel Grant is named in his memory and to honor an awardee for their dedication to clinical excellence in ocular oncology.

Judith Kingston ISOO Travel Grant

Judith Kingston FRCPCH (1949-2016)  was a paediatric oncologist at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, The Royal London Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital, UK and was the driving force in the team at Barts that began the transition from radiotherapy towards chemotherapy for children with retinoblastoma.  Her kindness, compassion and devotion to her patients was legendary. The Judith Kingston ISOO Travel grant is named in her memory and to honor an awardee for their dedication to developing ocular oncology.

Other Travel Grants

V. Cohen ISOO Travel Grant

Miss Victoria M.L Cohen, MA (Cantab) MB BChir FRCOphth (1970 - 2020) succeeded John Hungerford as Director of the National Ocular Oncology Service at Moorfields Eye Hospital and St Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK. Vicky was a leading Consultant Ocular Oncologist and President of ISOO at the time of her death. She believed passionately in equality, diversity, and educating the next generation. The Victoria Cohen Eye Cancer Charitable Trust, named in her memory, supports aspiring ocular oncologists with the costs associated with their fellowship. The charity is also funding two travel grants in the amount of $2000 each to support ocular oncologists currently in training to attend ISOO.

ISOO Travel grants

The proceeds of past ISOO meetings are used to support travel grants at future ISOO meetings. The grants are awarded after abstract scoring by a committee of ISOO members globally. The grants are awarded after the meeting to help offset registration and the cost of travel to encourage broad international participation in our meeting. Historically, ISOO awards 40 or more travel grants for each meeting.

Pictured are ISOO Africa 2023 Recipients

ISOO and The Knights Templar Eye Foundation

To improve vision through research, education and supporting access to care. Donations from the Sir Knights help to support ISOO members that practice in countries that have an active Knights Templar presence to attend the ISOO meeting.

Pictured are ISOO Leiden recipients